You may have started your fertility journey with the same work-hard attitude society says will guarantee success. Understandably, we apply this work-hard attitude to getting pregnant, only to find out there is an unexplained problem that can’t be named. So in an...
Is your period MIA? Peri-menopausal maybe? Or are you already deep into menopause? Whatever the reason for your period’s disappearing act, you might be wondering: How does working with the moon and your cycle apply to you? Over and over women tell me they had no idea...
Happy Solstice! Maiden, Mother, Enchantress, Wise Woman: we embody each of these Goddess archetypes through the four phases of our menstrual cycles, just like the Earth herself does through the seasons — and today she is transitioning into a new season and a new...
As a woman you flow through 4 distinct phases each month. Like the moon, you wax and wane from light to darkness. Like the earth, you flow from the growth of spring and the abundance of summer into the depths of autumn and the fallowness of winter. Understanding,...
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